Five Ethical Decisions Innovative Businesses Need to Wrestle With

a sign that says code of ethical behavior

Nowadays, companies grapple with a myriad of ethical challenges, necessitating responsible decision-making to keep the data they store secure. Some decisions that are made straddle the ethical line of right and wrong. Let’s take a look at five uses of technology that are controversial.

Misuse of Personal Information

The digital era poses a profound ethical quandary regarding the handling of personal data. In our online interactions, from browsing and shopping to social media engagement, we continually divulge personal details. While companies often use this data to personalize user experiences, questions arise about the extent to which it encroaches on our privacy. Personal information is now considered a valuable commodity, empowering businesses to tailor products and services to consumer preferences. Yet, the line between personalization and privacy invasion remains blurry, exemplified by the recurrent controversies surrounding industry leaders’ data practices.

Lack of Oversight and Accountability

Many businesses operate using a mix of third-party and proprietary technology, leading to ambiguities regarding responsibility for governance, data protection, and cybersecurity. The need for collective responsibility becomes apparent, transcending individual entities. Advocates propose a global governance approach to address data mismanagement and policy fragmentation, akin to the global response required for issues like climate change.


The digital age has witnessed the proliferation of misinformation, with serious consequences for public discourse and political polarization. The instantaneous nature of online information dissemination, coupled with the unchecked spread of unverified claims, challenges the traditional validation process of news outlets. Furthermore, deepfake technology has reached a level where it can convincingly fabricate video and audio content, posing severe threats to privacy and identity integrity.

Use of AI

Artificial intelligence holds immense promise for businesses, but it teeters on ethical boundaries. Concerns arise in several areas:

  • Facial recognition technologies raise privacy, bias, and misuse issues.

  • Job displacement builds concern about the impact on employment security and job creation.

  • Health and action tracking raises ethical questions about monitoring and personal freedom.

  • Bias in AI highlights the inherent human bias in technology development and its potential to perpetuate societal inequities.

Autonomous Technology

The advent of self-driving cars, autonomous weapons, and service drones brings ethical dilemmas to the forefront of social consciousness. Autonomous technology offers remarkable business prospects but also invites concerns about overreliance on programmed systems without sufficient oversight. This includes concerns about the use of robotic soldiers, self-driving vehicles, and even possible drone delivery services. 

Technology is undeniably cool and for the most part, a useful innovation that results in the evolution of our culture. This will disrupt the status quo, and anytime your goal is to do that, you will get people who use these new innovations to act unethically. If you would like to learn more about new technology and how it can be used to improve your business without controversy, give the IT professionals a call today at (808) 535-9700.

At Hawaii Tech Support we are dedicated to providing you with the best IT Solutions in Hawaii and beyond. See how we can support you and your business by contacting us today!

About the Author: Stanley Lau is the founder of Hawaii Tech Support. With nearly 20 years of experience in IT and consulting, Stan first helps businesses understand their technology needs then implements the best solution. Stan holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA.

Stanley Lau

Stanley Lau is the founder of Hawaii Tech Support. With nearly 20 years of experience in IT and consulting, Stan first helps businesses understand their technology needs then implements the best solution. Stan holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA.


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